Begrepet "time shifting" er godt etablert i forhold til kringkatingsmediene, hvor videoopptakere gjorde dette mulig allerede former enn 20 år siden. Fjernsynsselskapene fikk dermed en utfordring knyttet til at folk spoler over reklamen. Det samme kan fort bli tilfelle for nettavisene.
When a reader is given a choice about how to consume their content, a major shift in behavior occurs. They no longer consume the majority of their content during the day, on their computer. Instead they shift that content to prime time and onto a device better suited for consumption.
Initially, it appears that the devices users prefer for reading are mobile devices, most notably the iPad. It’s the iPad leading the jailbreak from consuming content in our desk chairs.
As better mobile experiences become more accessible to more readers, this movement will continue to grow. Readers want to consume content in a comfortable place, on their own time and mobile devices are making it possible for readers to take control once more.
Read It Later Blog
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